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  • Writer's pictureZeynep Naz İnalkaç

AI-integrated Material and Final Thoughts about the Class

First of all, there is a quite important impact on AI usage about all fields but today we are going to focus on the usage of AI in second language education. As 21st century teachers, we are supposed to know how to use AI to be able to guide our students. Moreover, our job is to help our students’ learning processes with the help of the technology. Despite keeping them away from the usage of the AI, we should make them benefit from it avoiding the plagiarism issue. As teachers, we are not here to make this process harder and as in the old- fashioned way.

  It was such an amazing experience for me to have chance to gain that much knowledge about current technology in language education with such a well-rounded teacher. However, having the same pair throughout the semester was kind of challenging for me. I tried my best to use all the sites and all my creativity. Moreover, this class is not just like finish your tasks and your done. It wanted for us to be creative and sophisticated while we were doing our tasks. It would be more motivational and improving if I had a chance to learn something new from my pair. It was like a roller-coaster for me because I know that I did my best. However, at the end I did not even send the tasks I made effort more. Last but not least, this class showed me how to be a better 21st century teacher and how to connect with my students who are going to be from the next generation.

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