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  • Writer's pictureZeynep Naz İnalkaç

Corpus-based Teaching Material

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Zeynep Naz İnalkaç


    Todays’ 21th century teaching is remarkably student centered. There is a highly known Chinese aphorism which is called “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.". Likewise, students expect their well-rounded teachers to teach how to gain accurate knowledge with help of technology. The usage of corpus is currently remarkable for language classes. Accordingly, this material -there is a link below- aims to make students use corpus autonomously to help the teaching process.

     First of all, all the bright colors and the images related to exercises selected on purpose to gain the students’ interest. The target students are 6th graders and the topic is modal verbs. It is mainly focused on the usage of have to, should and must. In the very first activity, the material aims to analyze students’ schemata about the modals and discuss it collaboratively. Second but the most consequential exercise is called “Improve Your Knowledge with Corpus Work”. As it could be understood by the name, it is mainly focused on the corpus. In this material, Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) has been selected to work on. The second exercise encompass a link where students directly could be reach the site. Students could click the link and go the. On this part the teacher is supposed to guide the students while using COCA. After their search on the corpus, students are expected to note what they have found. In the third activity students will be able to summarize what they have learnt o far. Last but not the least, there are gap filling and spot the error activities to examine students current knowledge.

Cod for Canva material

pair work with: Leman Ergin 101020073

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